
(Mostly in and around the Denver Metro Area)

  • Children’s Classes
  • Adult Classes
  • Seasonal Masterclasses


“Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.”

Albert Einstein

Children’s Classes (Ages 9-14)

Semester Courses (meet once/week)

  • Introduction to Gardening
  • Intermediate Gardening

Classroom and fieldwork take place at your home or school campus, Spring, Summer, or Fall. Call 720-549-0307 to schedule.

“Gardening is learning, learning, learning. That’s the fun of them. You’re always learning.”

Helen Mirren

Adult Classes

Classes meet once/month (temporarily suspended due to civic health concerns)

Learn what you should be doing each calendar month to have a maximally productive edible landscape using organic methods only (no chemicals or pesticides). Classes are FREE at local venues as well as online. Register for classes. Seating is limited. (If you would like to host a class, please call 720-549-0307 to schedule).

“There is nothing pleasanter than spading when the ground is soft and damp.”

John Steinbeck

Winter Gardening Masterclass

See “Schedule a Masterclass” below

Spring Gardening Masterclass

See “Schedule a Masterclass” below

“We might think that we are nurturing our garden, but of course it is really our garden that is nurturing us.”

Jenny Uglow

Summer Gardening Masterclass

See “Schedule a Masterclass” below

Autumn Gardening Masterclass

Want an eye-poppingly beautiful landscape come next Spring?

Savvy Gardeners

September Special

If you’re like me, come February, Colorado winter’s harsh chill and barren terrain is wonderfully warmed by colorful crocus, daffodils, tulips, muscari (grape hyacinths), and other Spring flowering bulbs. Planting NOW will give you that result. What about Summer? Prep beds and sow wildflower seed NOW. WHAT ABOUT FOOD? If you want to grow produce, NOW is the time to get bulbs, seeds, and perennial plants (flowers too!) in the ground for next year. Call me, Farmer Mike, for a FREE 15-minute over-the-phone consultation and a dozen FREE tulip bulbs when you schedule a masterclass.

“Get the whole family involved and dig in!”

Robin Sweetser, The Old Farmer’s Almanac

Schedule a Masterclass

Farmer Mike’s gardening masterclass takes place on your property with your family. Learn how to have your own thriving, productive, and edible landscape. With expert coaching, make it happen the same day! Cost of 3-hour masterclass is $199. Farmer Mike loves families. Each family member will receive a free bulb/clove to plant. Available time slots are limited. Call now 720-549-0307. (Denver Metro Area)

Also check out Great Gift for Grandchildren.

“I have found that each garden is just what Voltaire proposed in Candide: a microcosm of a just and beautiful society.”

Dr. Andrew Weil