The Ultimate Gardening Experience

Grandparents, ask your grandchildren where their food comes from. I think their answers will surprise you. 


This grandchild knows where her food comes from. She grew it, picked it, and ate it herself.

Get your grandchildren outside, digging in the dirt, growing their own food. It’s a priceless experience that will serve them their whole lives, and it will be a shared memory of time spent with you that they will keep forever.


Farmer Mike will guide them through the fun of learning how to grow their own food.

He is a 30-year Colorado gardening veteran, a teacher, a coach, and an internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter, and performer who loves children.

He will deliver private classes on your own home landscape, and help you and grandchildren grow a productive and beautiful garden.


When the work is done, he’ll lead everyone in singing John Denver’s “Thank God I’m A Country Boy,” “Country Roads,” or other suitable songs.

Give your grandchildren a gift they’ll remember for a lifetime. Help them get away from electronic screens and be amazed by the wonder of nature.


Details of the Experience

Farmer Mike will go to the landscape you designate.

First Visit

The first visit lasts 90-minutes and ends with all seeds/seedlings planted in the ground. Farmer Mike will lead discussions on motivation, planning, and implementation. Hands-on work will include digging, tilling, soil amending, planting, and watering.

Second Visit

The second visit lasts 30-minutes to make sure you are on the path to success. Lessons and hands-on work will include watering, weeding, thinning, trellising, succession planting, and pest control.

Third Visit

The third visit lasts 30-minutes and  again ensures you are on the path to succsss. It ends with washing and eating some of the early produce. Lessons and hands-on work will include watering, weeding, trellising, succession planting, pest control, and harvesting.

Fourth Visit

The fourth visit lasts 30-minutes and is the final check before the big harvest. It ends with washing and eating some of the early produce. Lessons and hands-on work will include watering, weeding, trellising, succession planting, pest control, and harvesting.

Fifth (Final) Visit

The fifth and final visit lasting 2-hours ends with the harvest festival. Even before this last visit, the children will have been enjoying many harvests of various produce, discovering that fruits and vegetables from the garden taste so much more sweet and delicious than those purchased at the grocery store. Farmer Mike will give his final lessons on harvesting, refortifying the soil, and winterizing. He will review all of the lessons learned throughout the experience. Hands-on work will include weeding, succession planting, pest control, harvesting, and food preparation.

But for this grand finale, Farmer Mike will take the role of chef to demonstrate to the children and their parents and grandparents how to convert the harvest into a delicious meal, and after enjoying the meal, he’ll take up his guitar and lead everyone in song, just like he would back on the farm.

Then it’s time to take a rest after enjoying the fruits of your labor…

…and you’ll rest, too, in moments of pure joy that you’ll spend over the years with your grandchildren.

Act Now

Get started enjoying this ULTIMATE GARDENING EXPERIENCE for just $199. Visits 2, 3, and 4 are only $33 each. You can stop at any time. Call 720-549-0307 to get scheduled before all of the limited slots are taken.