Today we begin!

We are a people who desire to grow at least some of our own food and enjoy the innumerable benefits therefrom. On the day we begin, we become miniature subsistence farmers. It is appropriate, then, to officially launch this website on the Feast of Saint Isidore, the Patron Saint of Farmers, so we can seek God’s blessing on our labors through his intercession. As his life was accompanied by miracles, so too will ours be. While we who grow our own food and flowers may not witness often supernatural miracles, we will expect to see natural ones – every day.

Come and join us!

Provide your name and email address, and we’ll send you amazing monthly gardening tips to catapult you to success. These tips are especially helpful for those who live in the short-grass prairie of North America, a.k.a. the High Plains, where cities such as Denver thrive. Although this ecoregion was once considered a desert unsuitable for sustainable agriculture, we’ll share how to make delightful, productive garden spaces, good for the soul and the body, which will produce crops year after year. We strive to help you create (in your own yard) a rich, no-till, permaculture landscape that brings forth edible flowers, fruits, and vegetables. You will be able to eat off of your land almost the year-round if you live along the Colorado Front Range Urban Corridor, which includes cities like Fort Collins, Boulder, Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo.

Fun, Simple, Rewarding

Let’s have fun!

Let’s keep it simple.

Then, it will be not only a delight for us, but for our family, friends, and neighbors.

You are an integral part of this process and this community. Please join (by clicking the button below), and for those who do, welcome!!!