Do you know your ultimate purpose and how it fits with growing your own food? Most of us know that serving only ourselves does not fulfill our purpose. We need to serve and be in relationship with others to find happiness and fulfillment. 

Our name, Grow My Own Food, LLC, sounds self-focused. But usually when I Grow My Own Food, it is not just for myself but for my family, and even friends and neighbors as well. 


As the Benedictine Nuns of the Abbey of St. Walburga tell us, “The ultimate purpose given us by God is relationship – relationship with other human beings in whatever contexts we are called to live and work, relationship with nature, and relationship with God.”  [1]

At we want you to get the best nutrition for yourself and your family, but also we want to help you fulfill your purpose in life.

For many people, this past year of 2020 was plagued with isolation from normal human contact. Despite the deprivation from relationship with others, I hope you found within it time for improving your relationship with God and nature. Nevertheless, let’s make 2021 a year of deepening our relationships with others and sharing the bounty that comes from God’s good earth.

Let’s Get Together

To get some human interaction, join me, Farmer Mike, for a live online session to discover what you can be doing in January to have a great harvest this year. It’s time to DREAM and share, January 14th 12:00pm MST. {This session is best for those living in the High Plains Region of the United States, particularly Colorado’s Front Range (the Eastern part of the State)}. Provide your email address here, or use the button below, so I can send you the link to the online gathering. Don’t worry if you can’t make the meeting. You’ll have access to a recording you can hear and view at any time.

Final Note

Our crops thrive when we give them the proper care, and so do our relationships. As you go about your day growing/gathering your food and working at your daily tasks, may your relationship with God, yourself, others, and nature thrive!

1. Auris Cordis, Volume XXVIII (Fall 2018), p.2